Are you ready? We are! Meet Integrity, LLC, formally a part of Meet Control, is ready to begin preparations for you and your competition.
Meet Integrity's founders are Nancy S. Lay and John S. Williams. Joining them in their quest for excellence is Deb Walls. All three have years of experience with scoring and sound, and all three are meet directors who have hosted and worked for J.O. Nationals, Easterns, and Regional Championships.
Remember, we have a full service print shop that produces full color banners in a variety of sizes. These banners are excellent team awards, and an excellent way to display your meet in your client's facility. We also produce beautiful banners for all competitors, seniors, and award winners. These banners have been used by many of our clients as successful fundraisers. Each athlete's family purchases the banner from you to be hung in the gym. If you are interested in the details of this project, please contact us. We also print credentials in a variety of options, including plastic (credit card type) badges that are great gifts for gymnasts as well as credentials for coaches.
We are committed to making your event the one meet everyone will keep on his or her schedule for the next year. We will continue to provide the service you are accustomed to and more. Our name says it all! Our engines are humming and we're ready to go!